Monday, April 25, 2011

Are We Worshipping God or Money?

I was challenged by my church to read the Bible from cover to cover. I am following my outline and even though not every passage has meaning to me at this point in my life I realize it will in the future. You can relax, I wont post all of my reflections lol. This post is in reference to Judges 9,10; Ps 49; and 1 Corinthians 16. God really does show mercy to those that ask for forgiveness. You probably hear that a lot. But he also wanted us to understand that it is important to not get angry when people grow and prosper in the Lord. He said, you will be taken to heaven while they dwell in coffins. What does that mean to you? When I applied that to my own life I heard all those recurring snide comments people made to me over the years about how much better their life was because of money, material things and fortune. They worship money. We will not take our belongings with us when we pass. It is the unseen that goes with us. Our love, devotion to others and experiences. So I may not own a yacht or live in a mansion. However, I have experienced selfless love, memories that warm my soul and compassion for the people that mean the most to me. God has blessed me in ways money never can. I hope I never worship money over Him. I pray that others realize what is really important in life.


  1. I agree with you on this it has taken me many ups and downs to see that what maters is my everyday with my family. I start my day with a prayer of thanks and I end my day with a prayer of thanks. I have more than most and the grass is not always greener on the other side. Yes we all would love to be Millionaires i think that is human. When it comes down to it I'm thankful for all the simple and amazing joys in my life. God,Family, Friends and the blessing of good health and being able to provide for my family in any way that I can.

  2. Exactly,I think too often we forget how lucky we are to have what we have.
